and the Gruyère region; a country
full of traditions, the country of cheese, chocolate and cows.
However, Switzerland not only consists of these clichés: Switzerland
is also a country of techno-logy, the cradle of the Red Cross and domicile
to many international institutions. A multiplicity of sportive and cultural
events on a high level take regularly place. During your trips through
the countryside and through the air you will discover lovely landscapes
and beautiful sights. Last but not least, among friends you will enjoy
our different regional delicacies as well as appreciate our excellent
red and white wines.
Switzerland is a place of hospitability. The team that arranges
this event will spare no effort to ensure, that this week will remain
a memorable remembrance for a long time. The steering committee is looking
forward to welcome you and wishes you a pleasant stay among us.
Since Sept. 11th, the FAA is very "humourless".
So, they forbiden to use the Super Connie (which is "N"
registred) for para dropping. That's why we should cancel the
jump plan Aug. 6th. Of course, the money charged on you CC would
stay in your jump account and could be used during the meet for
paying your other jumps.